Everyone wants something natural and tasty to teat health issues but every time it is not possible. Erectile dysfunction is the common problem that can be seen in men and sexual life is the necessity of all to pass on the adoration. Aphrodisiac foods are the foods that help to enhance sexual potency and libido. These foods are not just to focus on these issues but are good to improve to overall health. Although there are various drugs available in the market to treat such health issues related to sexual life.
Cialis and Viagra are the best drugs if we talk about the best treatment options in erectile dysfunction. To have the discounts in such drugs there are coupons that make the difference in the actual cost that can be sometimes high to purchase. Cialis coupon and Viagra coupon are there for the patients that are taking these drugs for a long time. Here we are going to have some aphrodisiac recipes to enhance the libido and sexual health.
- Dates are the food that is full in sugar so before starting it is advised not to be taken by the patients of diabetes. Dates are available in the market fresh as well in dried form also. Boil milk and dates when they get soften then they can be eaten and the drink that milk too. It helps in enhancing the sexual power and also it works well in arousal sensuality. This recipe can be taken in the morning before or after coitus. It is advised to consume this in the morning as this fills the body with full energy and to enjoy sex than whatever be the time it gives you beneficial effects.
- Everything available in the market and also in the kitchen like munakka also called as dried grapes, roasted black grams, and almonds. Take them all in equal quantity and you can take it one tablespoon every day with hot milk to enhance the libido and to control the premature ejaculation. It also works well in holding the sexual process for a long duration. For diabetic patients, it is advised to reduce the amount of munakka.
- Take two tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of brandy and mix this content with the beaten egg. This recipe gives you immense power to boost the energy level during sexual activity and to hold the capacity to go for a long duration. Allergic to egg person should avoid having this recipe.
- Two hours before the coitus take one tablespoon of hot milk with powdered asparagus (Shatavari). This recipe helps you giving strength to the male organ, delay ejaculation and also works well in enhancing sexual pleasure.
These were some of the recipes that work for the patient who is suffering from erectile dysfunction. Having medicines is necessary to defeat ED but why don’t to have the tasty recipe to reduce the chances of ED and consuming medicines for a long time.