Many people are exposed to an ant pinch here and there, but we advise you not to disturb or rush to kill her, on the contrary, thank her because she gave you a great benefit, which we will address below: An ant pinch stimulates the circulation of the body, it stimulates the production of more red blood cells and increases the activity of the body and makes it More vitality.
An important benefit of an ant pinch is that it activates the nerve cells of the brain because of the signals that are transmitted from the place of the pinch to the sensory cells and their location below the brain.
We note that if the body is exposed to more than one pinch at the same time but in one place, this leads to skin fibrosis, that is, the skin becomes more resistant to bacteria and more tolerant to high temperatures.
If the pinch is in several places in the body, this leads to blood clotting, i.e. forming a thicker layer of normal blood, which gives the blood vessels the ability to resist toxins and help the liver and reduce the burden on it. According to the Huffington Post Arabic.
Finally, do not be surprised, because an ant pinch is one of the best ways to lose weight, especially in the event that the pinch is from the female ant it secretes ionic saliva, if it enters the human body it helps to burn fat in the target area!
Factions of ants crawl into battles in formations and save the wounded
Scientists have given a description of the unique rescue behavior of African ants named Megeponera analis after observing ants in the Komoy National Park in Ivory Coast but they did not give the insects charitable motives, said entomologist Eric Frank of the University of Forsburg in Germany who led the research published in the publication of “Advise” This is not altruistic behavior, “he added.” Ants do not help those motivated by the kindness of their heart. There is a clear benefit to the colony. The affected ants can participate again in future attacks and remain an effective part of the colony. “
Ants, about two centimeters long, specialize in catching termites and using a distinct attack strategy. The colony poll teams leave in search of termite sites and then recruit approximately 500 of their comrades and lead them to termites in a queue-like formation, and ants infected during Battle with termites, sometimes losing limbs or becoming helpless when termites stick to it, by releasing chemical pheromones from his body to teach his companions that he needs help.
At this point, the uninfected ants carry the injured and transport them, as do the termites that perished during the battle and return to the colony in the same queue-like formation and walk to distances of up to 50 meters. According to Reuters.
Once in the colony, another ant removes termites that are attached to the infected ants. Ants who lose a man or two from their six legs can adjust their movement and often regain the ability to run like the correct ants within 24 hours. Almost all the rescued ants participated in subsequent attacks and sometimes less than an hour after the injury.
Frank said he was surprised to observe this behavior in an invertebrate strain, and said, “The question of why (ants) developing this type of cooperative course seemed illogical to me at first. After a closer look we realized that the interest of the individual, of saving the injured, may also flow into In the interests of the colony and that individuals can have great value among the ants. “Frank mentioned that besides the discovery of rescue behavior among primitive species such as monkeys, this behavior was also monitored in other types of mammals, including elephants, mice and dolphins.
Studying ants like humans hates traffic jams
“Ants like humans hate traffic jams and use alternative ways to get away from them.” This is the result of a recent scientific study published by the scientific journal Nature, where a team of researchers analyzed video recordings of thousands of ants during a mass movement experiment. These persistent insects scramble and are racing to move quickly between me, the source of food and the place of residence, which drives them in Sometimes to find alternative ways. According to Reuters.
Vincent Forcastle, a biological expert at the Animal Genetics Research Center in Toulouse, France, said that ants “are able to find solutions when their movement gets stuck due to crowding.” Using an arithmetic model, the researchers explained the effect of individual behavior on group movement and group behavior of ants.
During the experiment, the ants had to cross a bridge on the road between the food source and the place of residence.
Forksel said that in the case of the expansion of the two branches of the bridge, the traffic on the preferred road is more intense, and when the two branches narrow and the ants face suffocation, the congestion remains balanced on the two branches because the ants in this case choose the alternative road, and it seems that the stampede method remains preferred by the ants in order to maintain the flow of traffic Food from the source to the place of storage.